Tuesday, 2 January 2018

A Ghost Story - Movie Review & Plot Explained

A Ghost Story - Movie Review & Plot Explained

Initial release: 21 July 2017 (Canada)
Director: David Lowery
Budget: 100,000 USD
Box office: 1.9 million USD
Cinematography: Andrew Droz Palermo

A young musician ‘C’(Casey Affleck) was passionate about his girl friend 'M'(Rooney Mara) were desperate to move out their old modest rural bungalow. Their relationship seems to fluctuate, until he was found dead in his car hit by another car in frond of his yard. Rising from a mortuary slab in a white sheet, he returns to his home to observe as his old life drifts slowly away.

As the time seems to accelerate slowely he watches everything invisible. He witnessess his girl friend's grief about his death and her decision to move on with her life. He was once enraged when she was dropped home by her new date. Across the yard, another sheet-clad spectre appears at the neighbour’s window. Ghost C is not the only one in this linen-clad purgatory, yet he’s very much alone.

He becomes agressive when a french family settle in there with children.  Before Mara’s character moves out of their home, she writes something on a small piece of paper, folds it up, inserts it into an opening in the wall and traps it there by painting over it. The ghost spends much of the movie trying to retrieve her secret note. The ghost even sticks around as the house is torn down and turned into a high-rise office building, off of which he manages to “kill himself.”

The movie then loops him back to the past, when early settlers were living off the land that later became his suburban home. The ghost was trapped inside a time loop, when he sees himself again. The time loop continues into the film’s final scene, which sees the ghost watching himself watching his wife “One version is the naïve ghost that still hasn’t figured out what he needs to be doing, and the other that’s sitting at the piano is the version that’s achieved some sort of clarity,” At the end of the film, the ghost finally does retrieve his wife’s note, and upon reading it, he is free of the time loop and immediately disappears. However, what’s written down is never revealed to the audience.

Intriguing fact about this ghost story plot is not the fact that David Lowery decides to tell it from the point of view of the ghost rather than the haunted humans.
With an elegant, looping structure, proves a class of direction from Lowery, who also wrote the screenplay. The key moment is when M is listening to a new composition by her husband – that brings a whole new dimension to the raw emotion of the story.

With long scenes without dialogue (A 7 min scene of M having a pie cake holding behind her grief of her lose), and long takes without editing, Lowery leans shows a typical way to place a scene on someone's mind. It seems like Lowery has given time for us to think what's next.

Preiview Clubb's rating for this movie is 7/10

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